

A. 某网站提供近30年的学术论文的检索,但是如果要全文下载则要收取一定的费用
B. 赵教授是医治心脑血管疾病的知名专家,为更好的为广大患者服务,他在互联网上创建了个人网页,为心脑血管患者提供免费专业咨询,另一方面也使赵教授所在医院提高了知名度,吸引更多的患者前来求医
C. 某大型家电生产企业开办了自己的网站,消费者在使用该企业所生产的家电的过程中遇到任何问题均可在互联网上留下地址和联系方式,该企业提供上门服务
D. 近年来,有这样一种网站在互联网上悄然兴起,任务发布者可以在网站上发布任务,并将任务奖金全额预付给该网站,任务吸引众多的网友参与任务,而网站将部分奖金支付给任务完成得最好的一位参与者


According to the author, improper incentives include all the following EXCEPT ______.

A. money for learning how to convert fractions to decimals
B. refreshments as a reward for reading.
C. a party for the entire class for good behavior
D. the internal rewards that follow

The purpose of the author in writing the text is to ______.

A. welcome "good" viruses
B. illustrate the nature of "good" viruses
C. expose the harm of "good" viruses
D. condemn the misbehavior. of spreading viruses

According to the passage, the Lion Worm is ______.

A. similar to Cheese Worm
B. dangerous to a wide range of computers
C. hazardous to the Linux operating system
D. a computer program for nefarious purposes

From the last paragraph we may conclude that the author ______.

A. does not like staple diet of candy bars
B. values the virtues of honesty, kindness and integrity
C. worries about the moral decline of the society
D. blames the phenomenon of the worthless inside
