

A. 甲警察接到报案:有歹徒正在杀害其妻。甲立即前往现场,但只是站在现场观看,没有采取任何措施。此时,县卫生局副局长刘某路过现场,也未救助被害妇女。结果,歹徒杀害了其妻。甲和刘某都是国家机关工作人员,都没有履行救助义务,均应成立渎职罪
B. 甲非常讨厌其侄子乙(6岁)。某日,甲携乙外出时,张三酒后驾车撞伤了乙并迅速逃逸。乙躺在血泊中。甲心想,反正事故不是自己造成的,于是离开了现场。乙因得不到救助而死亡。由于张三负有救助义务,所以甲不构成不作为犯罪
C. 甲下班回家后,发现自家门前放着一包来历不明、类似面粉的东西。甲第二天上班时拿到实验室化验,发现是海洛因,于是立即倒入厕所马桶冲人下水道。甲虽然没有将毒品上交公安部门,但不构成非法持有毒品罪
D. 《消防法》规定,任何人发现火灾都必须立即报警。过路人甲发现火灾后没有及时报警,导致火灾蔓延。甲的行为成立不作为的放火罪


According to the text, illegal immigrants in the US ______.

A. are not allowed to apply for colleges
B. have already had an immigration law
C. can not join any community
D. cannot get a job for living

Why do some Americans ask for legal status for some illegal immigrants?

A. Because they would get decent jobs in the future.
Because they would become outstanding people and give back to the country.
C. Because there are some laws to protect them.
D. Because they are not harmful to the country.

What can we conclude from the text?

A. If a student in the US is charged with drunken driving, he will not qualify for financial aid.
B. There isn't a law to offer the illegal immigrants earn legal status.
C. Padilla is not a real illegal immigrant.
D. Not all the illegal immigrants in the US will be deported eventually.

The fundamental reason for Padilla's deportation delay is that ______.

A. the officials will investigate the case no longer because of the law
B. many people asked for the delay of the deportation for him
C. he is still a college student
D. ICE considered the factors his family ties and community standing
