听力原文:W: Jack, can you say something about the differences many foreign students encounter in American classrooms?
M: One of the first things that happen is that teachers tell the students to call them by their first names. The teacher will then ask the students what they want to be called. Most of them will follow the teacher's example and have the teacher call them by their first names, even if this isn't customary in the country where they come from.
W: Do they have a problem with that?
M: For some students it sticks in their throat to have to call all their teachers by their first names and some never quite get comfortable with that.
W: Are teachers very formal in class?
M: Teachers are very easy-going, talking about themselves, their children, their pets. It's a wonderful way of motivating students and getting them to feel good in the classroom.
W: The classroom must look informal, too?
M: Yeah. The chairs are not organized in rows. They might be organized in a circle or in a semi-circle. There might be large tables in a classroom where students sit in groups around the table. It means that learning is u participatory activity, a two-way interaction.
W: With this kind of informality, I guess American teachers don't mind students not being punctual for class.
M: American teachers are careful about punctuality. If students don't show up on time, it conveys an attitude of disrespect to the professor.
Students are called in American classes
A. according to the students' will
B. based on the American convention
C. according to their own country's practice
D. at the teacher's will
听力原文: South Korea's Foreign Minister Ban Ki Moon is in Washington for discussions with U.S. officials on North Korea's nuclear program. Both countries are represented in six-nation talks on the North Korean nuclear crisis. The talks are set to resume in Belling at the end of this month.
Speaking on CNN's "Late Edition," South Korean Foreign Minister Ban Ki-Moon sounded upbeat about the current round of six party talks on North Korea's nuclear program.
"I think during the last round of our six party talks, we have entered into a stage of real and substantive negotiations," he said. "This is what we have been doing and, with close consultations between Korea and the United States, also with other related parties, I think we are more or less optimistic that we will be able to result in a substantive resolution of nuclear weapons program this time."
The talks also include North Korea, China, Japan and Russia.
How did the South Korean Foreign Minister feel about tile current talks?
A. upset
B. pessimistic
C. optimistic
D. confused
听力原文: European Commission officials are meeting Chinese negotiators in Beijing for a third day in an effort to break the deadlock in a row over low-cost Chinese clothing imports. Millions of Chinese made garments are currently stranded in customs warehouses because they breached quota limits set by the European Union to protect local manufacturers. Q.S. reports from Shanghai:
The two sides in the negotiations are believed to be working through detailed technical points that would keep the existing quota agreement intact, but still free up the millions of sweaters, trousers and bras stranded in European ports. The European Commission says it has to balance the demands of retailers who want cheap Chinese imports with those of manufacturers who fear for their jobs. Store owners and some member states are threatening legal action if their stock isn't released soon. China's state-owned media has accused the EU of protectionism and of damaging the rights of European consumers.
Why are so many Chinese clothes stored in European customs warehouses?
A. Because they have exceeded the EU quota limits.
Because they are poor in quality.
C. Because they are very expensive.
D. Because they are old-fashioned.
听力原文: Today I'd like to talk about the sculptor Henry Moore, in particular the ideas his work is based on, and also how he viewed the medium of sculpture. Moore said that to appreciate sculpture a person needs to respond to form. in all of its 3 dimensions. He believed that this is more difficult than responding to art that is done on a flat surface, a surface such as canvas that has only 2 dimensions. For example, when you're looking at a painting you don't have to walk around it. You don't relate to form. and shape in the same way you do when looking at a sculpture. More pay great attention to shapes in nature such as that of bones and shells and stones. He thought that if you could appreciate the shape of something simple, like a stone then you could go on to appreciate more complex forms. He noticed that many of the stones he picked up had holes in them. One distinctive feature of Moore's sculpture is his use of holes or openings to emphasize that he is indeed working in a 3 dimensional medium. He believed that the shape of a hole itself could have as much meaning as that of a solid mass, and could even help create a sense of mass or volume. Moore was also interested m representing the human figure, which he sculpted in such materials as bronze, stone, and wood. His sculptures of humans contained one person as in the work Reclining Figure or several people as in the sculpture Family Group.
What is the talk mainly about?
A. The relationship between painting and sculpture.
B. The ideas behind an artist's work.
C. The practical value of a work of art.
D. The way tile eye perceives shape in sculpture.
Directions: In this section, you will hear several passages. Listen to the passages carefully and then answer the questions that follow.
听力原文: In ancient times, many people believed the earth was a flat disc. Well over 2,000 years ago, the ancient Greek philosophers were able to put forward two good arguments proving that it was not. Direct observation Of heavenly bodies was the basis of both these arguments. First, the Greeks knew that during eclipses of the moon, the earth was between the sun and the moon, and they saw that during these eclipses, the earth's shadow on the moon was always round, they realized that this could be true only if the earth was spherical. If the earth were a flat disc, then its shadow during eclipses would not be a perfect circle, it would be stretched out into a long ellipse. The second argument was based on what the Greeks saw during their travels. They noticed that the North Star, or Polaris, appeared lower in the sky when they traveled south, in more northerly regions, the North Star appeared to them to be much higher in the sky. By the way, it was also from this difference in the apparent position of the North Star that the Greeks first calculated the approximate distance around the circumference of the earth, a figure recorded in ancient documents says 400,000 stadia, that's the plural of the word stadium. Today, it's not known exactly what length one stadium represents, but let's say it was about 200 meters, the length of many athletic stadiums. This would make the Greek's estimate about twice the figure accepted today, a very good estimate for those writing so long before even the fast telescope was invented.
According to the professor, what were, the beliefs of the Greek philosophers based upon?
A. How the natural world was described in Greek mythology.
B. What they observed directly.
C. The writings of philosophers from other societies.
D. Measurements made with scientific instruments: