
A.To help careerists and workaholics move to comprehensive development.B.To urge caree

A. To help careerists and workaholics move to comprehensive development.
B. To urge careerists and workaholics to work harder.
C. To combine careerists' and workaholics' work together.
D. To alarm careerists and workaholics.


A.The Federal government.B.Individual schools.C.Respective states.D.Local communities.

A. The Federal government.
B. Individual schools.
C. Respective states.
D. Local communities.

I shall______you by the telephone before I come here.

A. contend
B. contact
C. constitute
D. conflict


A. 某早上七八点的时候骑自行车沿京保公路良乡段由北向南骑自行车行驶,行至村路口附近,准备从西向东横穿公路进入村中。当苏某的自行车前轮越过路东机动车与非机动车分道线时,适逢张某驾驶两轮摩托车由南往北行驶,因躲闪不及,摩托车的前轮撞在苏某自行车中部,两车均翻倒在地。摩托车倒地滑行六七米,张某头部着地,经抢救无效死亡,苏某未受伤。苏某构成交通肇事罪
B. 甲某在一仓库盗窃后为毁灭罪证临时起意放火烧毁现场,刚刚用火柴点着货物发现有人巡逻至此,于是扔掉引火物就跑,结果火被保安发现而及时扑灭。甲某构成放火罪未遂
C. 乙某系汽车检修厂职工,一日发现自己将要检修的一辆车为仇人丙驾驶,便在检修时破坏了刹车装置,然后交付使用。丙驾驶该车时因刹车失灵导致与其他车辆相撞,造成三人死亡,一人重伤。乙构成破坏交通工具罪
D. 丁某原为一公安民警,因严重违纪被依法清除出警察队伍,领导找其谈话要求其将此前依法配备的枪支、子弹上缴,但丁某欺骗说不小心丢失从而不依法上缴。丁构成非法持有枪支、弹药罪

A.An air-hostess.B.A physics scientist.C.A chef in a French restaurant.D.A typist in a

An air-hostess.
B. A physics scientist.
C. A chef in a French restaurant.
D. A typist in a large company.
