【填空题】Q: At the end of the video, the narrator mentioned four scientists. According to the video, what is the common feature they all share?A: Dispite their differences, they all shared the __________ courage to think outside the box, and the personal ___________ to stand ________ in the face of ___________.
小儿易发生意外伤害的时期是( )
A. 新生儿期
B. 婴儿期
C. 幼儿期
D. 学龄前期
E. 学龄期
3岁男孩,开始的时候出现频繁呛咳,后发生面部发绀,首先要考虑( )
A. 急性肺炎
B. 粟粒性肺结核
C. 气管异物
D. 药物中毒
E. 以上都不是