
What happened after the researchers put painkilling medicine in the water?

A. Fish that received the painful shot stayed in the natural section.
B. Fish that received the painful shot moved into the empty section.
C. All of the fish stayed in the natural section with plants and rocks.
D. All of the fish moved into the empty section with painkilling medicine.


What does this clever study suggest?

A. Fish can’t feel pain when they receive shots.
B. Fish can experience pain and try to reduce it.
C. Fish like to swim in an unnatural environment.
D. Fish like to swim in a less pleasing environment.

刚体定轴转动,为了消除轴承动反力,其转轴必须是( )。

A. 过刚体质心的转轴;
B. 转轴垂直于刚体质量对称面;
C. 惯性主轴;
D. 中心惯性主轴。

维持细胞内Na浓度低于细胞外Na浓度10-20倍的是( )

A. Na-H交换载体
C. Na-Ca交换载体
D. 转运Na的电压门控通道

在细胞中的膜糖类分布于( )

A. 细胞核膜表面
B. 膜的非胞质面
C. 内质网表面
D. 高尔基复合体表面
