

A. 对
B. 错


What makes our journey______1_______, however, is our______2_______of roles between Chinese father and______3_______mother, and______4_______ surrounding_____5______________6_______. Gender equity is a hard_____7________to work out in China generally, but now with a baby, any hope I had for balance is_____8________, yet again, by the full-time_____9________of my mother-in-law as our____10_________. Now we are two women and one man, one with_____11________ideas (me)and two Chinese people who think I’m____12_________. It’s been a_____13________ _____14________.

As it ____1___out, the ___2_____“____3____up with the Joneses” __4______from a cartoon ____5____of that name that ___6____in 1913 and ___7_____for 26 years. In the strip, ___8_____“Pop” Momand ___9_____fun at our need to do things in order to ___10____other people. I’d love to say that need ___11_____when the last ___12_____of that __13______strip ran, but alas, it seems to have only gotten ___14_____. These days we don’t care about the Joneses, we’re trying to keep up with the Kardashians. (Thank God I don’t have ___15_____TV!)

Above all, parents, it can help to ___1______that the _____2_____road to ______3_____is the new normal. You may be ______4_________to learn that nearly everyone grows out of emerging adulthood and, by about age 30, _____5_______on the roles of young adulthood — marriage, _____6________and a stable job. Seeing _____7________adulthood as a normal stage of life today can help _______8________our anxiety and maybe even allow us to ______9__________our emerging adults’ energy, _______10________and ________11_____for life.


A. 气血失和,经络不通或清窍蒙蔽
B. 气血失和,经络不通或脑络失养
C. 气滞血瘀,经络不通或脑络失养
D. 气虚血瘀,经络不通或脑络失养
E. 气血亏虚,经络不通或脑络失养
