
哮喘重症发作,PaO2 8kPa(60mmHg),PaCO2 8kPa(60mmHg),pH7.34。病情严重的主要根据是

A. 低氧血症
B. 端坐呼吸
C. 发绀
D. 二氧化碳潴留



A. V2<V1,F2<F1
B. V2>V1,F2>F1
C. V2>V1,F2<F1
D. V2<V1,F2>F1


A. 3
B. 6
C. 7
D. 12


A. 痰真菌培养
B. 痰细菌培养
C. 冷凝集试验
D. 血清抗体测定

A "sanitized" description of a hacking attempt or other incident--one that doesn't reveal the name or information about the victim--can be shared with the other members to spot trends. Then a mote detailed description also can be sent to the FBI's computer crimes unit to interfere if there are grounds for an investigation. Cyber crime has jumped in recent years across the nation, particularly in hotbeds of financial commerce and technology like Charlotte. "Ten years ago, all you needed to protect yourself was a safe, a fence and security officers," said Chris Swecker, who is in charge of the FBI's Charlotte office. "Now any business with a modem is subject to attack." FBI agents investigate computer hacking that disrupted popular Web sites including Amazon. com, CNN and Yahoo!
Several North Carolina victims have been identified this year. The investigation has also identified computer systems in North Carolina used by hackers to commit such attacks. Prosecutions of hackers have been hampered by the reluctance of companies to report security intrusions for fear of bad publicity and lost business. Meanwhile, too many corporations have made it too easy for criminals by sacrificing security for speed and accessibility. Jack Wiles, who will lead the local InfraGard chapter's board, said a recent report estimated 97 percent of all cyber crime goes undetected. Wiles, a computer security expert, has a firewall on his personal computer to prevent hackers from getting into his files. "I get at least one report a day that somebody was trying to get into my computer," he said, "the Net is a wonderful place, but it's also a dangerous one.
From the first paragraph, we know ______.

A. InfraGard is a protective measure against cyber crime
B. InfraGard is a measure of cooperation and collaboration
C. there will be 50 InfraGard chapters in all states
D. private business and the government are now committing cyber crime
