In what units are heights and soundings in the chart? They are in ______.
A. meters and fathoms
B. fathoms and meters
C. meter and fathom
D. fathom and meter
A. 凸轮机构是将从动件的连续或间歇的往复运动转换成凸轮的连续转动
B. 凸轮机构是将从动件的连续或间歇的往复运动转换成凸轮的间歇转动
C. 凸轮机构是将凸轮的连续转动转换成从动件的连续或间歇的往复运动
D. 凸轮机构是将凸轮的间歇转动转换成从动件的连续或间歇的往复运动
If you came into contact with nitrobenzene while disconnecting the cargo hose, you should
A. highly toxic when absorbed through the skin
B. a blood poison
C. a nerve poison
D. All of the above
In weather report, POSITION GOOD means that ______.
A. the position is suitable
B. the position is reliable
C. the position is changeable
D. the position is fixable