
Mr Lessing says that a lot of companies need ________.


Use the following compund words and phrases to complete the sentences:bus pass; EU laws; gym membership; long-term; maternity leave; sick pay; travel insurance; workforce;crèche facilities; fringe ben; healthcare; low cost; paid holiday; white-collar workers; working hours

Use the following words to fill in the gaps in these sentences:colleagues; discussion; workspace; respond; code; ignore

下列各项中,企业应通过“其他应收款”科目核算的是( )。

A. 出租包装物收到的押金
B. 为职工垫付的水电费
C. 代购货方垫付的销售商品运费
D. 销售商品未收到的货款

某企业 2020 年 10 月 8 日 销售商品100件,增值税专用发票上注明的价款为10000元,增值税1300元。企业为了及早收回货款而在合同中规定的现金折扣条件为:2/10,1/20,n/30。假定计算现金折扣时不考虑增值税。如买方于 2020年 10 月 24 日 付清货款,该企业实际收款金额为()元。

A. 11466
B. 11500
C. 11583
D. 11200
