翻译填空:难民的数量使该地区的救济机构不堪重负。The number of refugees o the relief agencies in the area.
翻译填空:在这里你可以放松,可以体验没有现代商业价值标志的生活。Here you can relax and s life without the trappings of modern business.
翻译填空:我认为除非有人告知我们这是非法的,否则我们就可以认定它是合法的。I think we can safely a that this is legal unless we are told otherwise.
翻译填空:男女平等近年来成为人们关注的主要问题。Equality between men and women has e as a major issue in recent years.
翻译填空:经过多方共同努力,情况会慢慢好起来的。Things will get better otwith concerted efforts.