菜蛾成虫有趋向()补充营养习性,卵多产在( ) 近主脉凹陷处,散产,每雌产卵200粒。
Now some of the boys might be a little bit 1. ________than I am也许一些男孩子会比我要聪明一点Or bigger and 2. _______ too或者大个强壮一点Maybe 3. ______4. ________ 5.________is ever gonna love you the way I do但是,也许他们中没人会想我这样爱你Ahh, it's me and you啊,这是你和我And as the years 6._______ 7. _______随着岁月流逝Our 8. _______ will9._______ 10. ________我们的友谊会长存You're gonna see it's our destiny你会见识的,这就是命运you've got a friend in me我是你的老友
A. 水检塞
B. 急性早幼粒细胞白血病
C. 泛创伤
D. 大型手术
E. 严重感染