
Listen to five dialogues and choose the answer according to the question.

A. Thejobissuitableforhim.
B. Thejobiseasytodo.
C. Thejobisinteresting.
D. Thejobiswellpaid.


Listen to five dialogues and choose the answer according to the question.

A. Marydoesn't knowwherethecopyroomis.
B. Marydoesn’t knowhowtomakecopies.
C. ThemanisinterviewingMary.
D. ThemanwantstotalktoMary.

Listen to five dialogues and choose the answer according to the question.

A. Jobopportunities.
B. Themeetingschedule.
C. FlightstoLondon.
D. Thehotellocation.

Listen to five dialogues and choose the answer according to the question.

A. Buyacarforthewoman.
B. Showthewomanaround
C. Offerthewomanadiscount.
D. Sellausedcartothewoman.

Listen to five dialogues and choose the answer according to the question.

A. Theyaretooexpensive.
B. Theyaretoolarge.
C. Theyareofthewrongcolor.
D. Theyareoutoffashion.
