
What do you know about Jack and Betty?

A. They’ve been laid off for several months.
B. They were surprised when they were laid off by their companies.
C. They’re not ready for tough jobs.
D. They have no skills or training.


What can you infer about Jack and Betty from the passage?

A. They don’t have any children.
B. They didn’t have to commute far when working in their original companies.
C. They are going to take computer courses.
D. It’s impossible for them to find jobs that they will be happy with.

申请书由下列( )几部分组成。

A. 标题
B. 称呼
C. 正文
D. 署名及日期

Thecombinationpattern is also called the _________ pattern


A. 机械特性
B. 电气特性
C. 功能特性
D. 规程特性
