The _____ is the Pilot in Command (PIC) who has the final authority of all decisions and all responsibilities rest on his shoulders.
A. captain
B. co-pilot
C. flight engineer
D. cabin crew
The Captain is the Pilot in Command (PIC) who has the final _____ of all decisions and all responsibilities rest on his shoulders.
A. authority
B. authorization
C. author
D. authorize
Besides serving drinks and making sure passengers are comfortable, the flight attendants are also responsible for ______ passengers on emergency procedures, evacuations, and informing the flight crew when problems arise.
A. briefing
B. expressing
C. threatening
D. insisting
In an in-flight emergency requiring immediate action, the pilot in command may ______ from any rule of this part to the extent required to meet that emergency.
A. deviate
B. drive
C. break
D. leave
In an emergency, PIC can take the safest course of action at his/her sole ________.
A. decision
B. thinking
C. right
D. discretion