In the open-economy macroeconomic model, which of the following happens in response to an appreciation of the real exchange rate?
A. The quantity of dollars demanded in the foreign-exchange market increases.
B. The quantity of dollars demanded in the foreign-exchange market decreases.
C. The quantity of dollars supplied in the foreign-exchange market increases.
D. The quantity of dollars supplied in the foreign-exchange market decreases.
A. 位于膀胱底后面
B. 能产生精子
C. 直肠指检不能触及
D. 位于膀胱颈和尿生殖膈之间
E. 可分为前、中、后三叶
A. 一端连通子宫
B. 一端连通卵巢
C. 绝育手术多在峡部结扎
D. 宫外孕多发生在壶腹部
E. 位于阔韧带上缘
A. 睾丸部
B. 精索部
C. 腹股沟管部
D. 盆部
E. 以上都不对
A. 内生殖器由生殖腺和输精管道两部分组成
B. 睾丸产生的精子先贮存于附睾内
C. 精囊腺为贮存精子的囊
D. 男性激素由精曲小管上皮产生
E. 阴茎由一个海绵体包以皮肤构成