
以下哪种食用油中含必需脂肪酸较多( )

A. 牛油
B. 花生油
C. 猪油
D. 黄油


作为n-3系列脂肪酸的前体可转变成EPA(二十碳五烯酸)、DHA(二十二碳六烯酸)的必需脂肪酸是( )

A. 亚油酸
B. 亚麻酸
C. 花生四烯酸
D. 油酸

下列哪种脂类可以合成维生素D3( )

A. 甘油三酯
B. 胆固醇
C. 磷脂
D. 必需脂肪酸


A. 对
B. 错

Bob: I'm wondering if it is going to be fine tomorrow.You: 1 . (说明天我们要开运动会).We shall have a sports meet tomorrow.Bob: But look at the fog. You can only see things within a short distance.You: But don't you see 2 .(提醒说难道你没看到风在开始把它吹散吗)?Bob: Don't be so sure.You: I bet 3 . (说明天天气会好的).Bob: You've heard the morning weather forecast, haven't you?You: No. 4 (问预报怎么说)?Bob: It says it's going to be foggy.You: That's why you're worrying, isn't it?Bob: 5 (问这就是他担心的原因,对不对)?
