

A. 盈利能力分析
B. 营运能力分析
C. 长期偿债能力分析
D. 资产变现能力分析



A. 销售毛利率
B. 销售净利率
C. 成本利润率
D. 总资产报酬率
E. 净资产收益率
F. 资本保值增值率


A. 流动资产周转情况分析
B. 固定资产周转率
C. 总资产周转率
D. 其它资产周转率


翻译一1. 四合院是中国传统民居中最重要的形式。【译文】Siheyuan is the most important of traditional Chinese houses.2. 它数量多、分布广,并且在汉族、满族、白族以及其他少数民族中十分流行。【译文】It is great in number and wide in , popular among the Han, Manchu, Bai, and some other groups.3. 大多数房屋采用木质框架。【译文】Most of the houses are made of wood .4. 主屋建在南北走向的轴线上,两个厢房则位于四合院的两侧。【译文】The room is built on the south-north , and two wing rooms are located on both sides of it.5. 家庭中的长者住在主屋中,而两翼则是年轻一代的卧室。【译文】The elders of the family live in the main house, while the are bedrooms for the younger generation.6. 妇女住在内院。客人和男仆住在外院。【译文】Women live in the yard. Guests and male servants live in the yard.7. 这种分布符合封建礼制。【译文】This distribution is in with the regulations.翻译二8. 放爆竹是中国的传统习俗之一。【译文】 off firecrackers is one of China's traditional .9. 无论是逢年过节、结婚嫁娶、进学升迁,还是大厦落成、商店开张等,只要为了表示喜庆,人们都习惯以放爆竹的方式来庆祝。【译文】People are to celebrating with firecrackers on such as the New Year, festival, marriage, to school at a higher level, to a higher position, complete of a building, opening of a new store, etc. just to mark the festival and happy occasion.10. 相传,这一习俗始于2500多年以前。【译文】 to legend, this custom dates back to over 2,500 years ago.11. 当时,我们的祖先利用燃烧竹子发出的啪啪声惊吓、驱赶妖魔鬼怪和凶猛野兽。【译文】At that time, our burned bamboos to produce cracking sounds to away and ward off evil spirits and beasts.12. 久而久之,放爆竹这一习俗被保留了下来,成为节日庆祝的重要元素之一。【译文】In the of time, this custom of setting off firecrackers has been and become one of the important for festival celebrations.翻译三13. 灯谜是写在彩灯上面的谜语,在中国源远流长。【译文】Lantern riddles are the riddles on lanterns and have a long history in China.14. 谜语来源于民间口谜,后经文人加工成为谜。【译文】Riddles from the riddles of the folks and became written ones after the by the literati.15. 它始于春秋时期,口头相传。【译文】Riddles began in the Spring and Autumn Period and were down through oral tradition.16. 秦汉时则成为一种书面创作。【译文】They became a kind of in writing in the Qin and Hart Dynasties.17. 三国时期,猜谜逐渐盛行起来。【译文】Riddle-guessing became popular during the Three Kingdom Period.18. 在宋代出现了灯谜,元宵节上人们将谜条系于五彩花灯上,供人猜测。【译文】Lantern riddles in the Song Dynasty. On the Lantern Festival day, people hang of paper with riddles written on them on colorful lanterns for people to .19. 因为灯谜既能启迪智慧又能迎合节日气氛,所以响应的人众多,而后猜灯谜逐渐成为元宵节不可或缺的节目。【译文】Because lantern riddles can both people with wisdom and to the festive atmosphere, many people take part in it. Therefore, lantern riddle guessing has gradually become an program on the Lantern Festival day later.
