

A. Quietly dip your spoon into the center of the bowl and wait for it to fill.
B. Eat the chunky bits with a fork and use the bowl like a cup to drink the liquid.
C. Dip your spoon at the edge closest to you and fill it as you move it away from you.


当你吃西餐时,餐巾应该是( )。

A. Tuck in your shirt
B. Leave on your lap
C. Fold in the glass

就餐时,如果你不确定要做什么,你可以一直关注你的( ).‏‎‏

A. host
B. waiter
C. guest

当每道菜结束时,你应该把刀叉和手柄______放在盘子的右边边缘的四点钟位置。‏(原句)When each course is finished, you should place the knife and fork ______ with the handles in the four o’clock position on the right rim of the plate. ‏

A. crossed
B. separate
C. parallel

来自泰国的留学生Tony第一次到上海游玩,归来后你问他旅行如何,他可能会说( )

A. No problem.
B. Yes, very much.
C. That's important.
