(Unit 5)Li Songtang has been a barefoot doctor before he was sent to Inner Mogolia.
A. False
B. True
C. Not mentioned
A. True
B. False
“WangYingofHandinHand,acharitythattriestoencouragemoreopendiscussionofdeath,saysshehasheardoforphanedchildrenbeingtoldbygrandparentsthattheirparentsarenotdeadbutonholiday.Hercharityorganizescasualgatherings,called“deathcafés”,atwhichtheyoungandhealthyareencouragedtohavefrankdiscussionsabouttheirinevitabledemise.” (TrueorFalse)HandinHandisacharitythattriestoencouragemoreopendiscussionofdeath.
A. True
B. False
"Mr. Li's experience of caring for the dying man eventually resulted in the hospice he runs in a three-storey building in Beijing's outskirts. The facility is home to about 300 people , most of them elderly and with late-stage cancer ". Founded in the 1980s and bearing his name, Mr.Li's Songtang Hospice was one of China's first end-of-life care centres. There are still far from enough of them."Question: Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the given paragraph?
A. Mr.Li's Songtang Hospice was founded in the 19th century.
B. Mr.Li's Songtang Hospice was one of China's first end-of -life care centres.
C. Most of the patients in Mr. Li's Songtang Hospice were elderly and with late-stage cancer.
D. Mr. Li's Songtang Hospice was located in Beijing's outskirts.
A. LiSongtangliedtooneofhispatientsthathehadpersuadedauthoritiestowipetheslateclean.
B. In2015,Chinawasranked71stonthesupportprovidedtothedyingin80countries.
C. The demand for the end-of-life care is growing as China ages.
D. AllofthepatientsshowedgratitudetoLiSongtang.