A. 我国劳动年龄人口仍具潜力
B. 人口素质不断提高
C. 劳动年龄人口波动上升,劳动力老化程度有所减弱
D. 人口流动仍然活跃,人口集聚进一步增强
A. 人均预期寿命不断延长
B. 人口总量增速放缓
C. 人口加速老化
D. 越来越多的人生活在新型乡村
A. 人口增长对经济社会发展和资源环境的压力仍是可持续发展的主要挑战
B. 消除贫困和饥饿是当前世界人口发展的主要议题
C. 国家或地区之间的战乱导致大量流动人口和迁移人口
D. 人口规模庞大给发展中国家经济社会发展转型带来巨大压力
Why was the hostess so excited that she gave the Chinese scholar a big hug?
A. He knew the difference between "look" and "is" to compliment her.
B. He complimented her not because of her eye-catching red color dress.
C. He corrected his grammar mistake when he greeted her.
D. He learned to compliment her.
Why would the hostess wear colorful dress?
A. Because she would feel good.
Because she would look younger.
C. Because American culture cherish young people more than elder people.
D. Because she was not wealthy.