·YOU will hear another five recordings. ·For each one decide what speakers are talking about. ·Write one letter(A-H)next to the number of the recording. ·DO not use any Ietter more than once. ·After you have listened once.replay the recordings. 18__________ 19__________ 20__________ 21__________ 22__________ 18题选择__________
A. give some advice
B. refuse a invitation
C. charge for the sewice
D. order a product
E. change the goods
F. talk about a contract
G. introduce a company
H. arrange a meeting
A. 定期观测
B. 实验验证
C. 专家论证
D. 方案比较
B. 百分比法
C. 强制确定法
D. 经验分析法
A. 出口商当地银行凭进口商所在地银行开立的信用证及该信用证项下的出E1商品为抵押
B. 进口商当地银行凭出口商所在地银行开立的信用证及该信用证项下的进口商品为抵押
C. 进口商当地银行凭进口商所在地银行开立的信用证及该信用证项下的进E1商品为抵押
D. 出口商当地银行凭出口商所在地银行开立的信用证及该信用证项下的出口商品为抵押