

A. 基本完好房屋
B. 一般损坏房屋
C. 严重损坏房屋
D. 危险房屋



A. 航行
B. 靠泊
C. 锚泊
D. A、B、C都是


A. 伴流流场在螺旋桨处上下分布的不均匀性程度
B. 螺旋桨的转速
C. 前进中伴流较强,该力大;后退中伴流弱该力小
D. A,B,C均正确

Last year, Jane Patterson left her permanent job with a newspaper and is how a self-employed journalist. Why did she do it? "I had no control over my work," she says, "and that mattered more to me than earning lots of money. Actually, leaving my job wasn't as difficult as I'd expected, because I already had plenty of contacts in the publishing industry. Unlike my last job, though, I'm mostly in touch with the magazines and newspapers I write for by email, and as I don't work in an office, I may riot see anyone for days. But that's a welcome relief!" .
Isn't it hard being self-employed? "The biggest danger when you become self-employed is saying 'yes' to everything," Jane says. "I make sure I turn work down if I haven't got the time for it. And that's a question off planning: I spend an hour -every week working out what I'm doing for the next few months.”
Mark the following statements True or False according to the information provided in the text.
1. Jane left her last job because she wanted to make decisions about her work herself.
2. She thinks leaving her job is more difficult than she thought.
3. Jane prefers working .in an- office with other people.
4. Jane believes it is dangerous to say yes to everything as a self-employed journalist. 5. Jane plans ahead on what she does every week.

