
Listen to the podcast again and fill in the blanks.1.Alice thinks that teaching Chinese will promote ___________________________.2.Tom hopes to connect with people along the journey and share his experience to help people become _______________________.3.Tom found that Chinese students are most grateful for having many_________________more than their parents.4.Alice thinks that in England her parents’ generation had______________than her generation.5.Tom thinks that China is developing_______________because many young Chinese people want to work together to build their society.


衡量地方财政收入的相对指标包括:( )

A. 地方本级收入的规模
B. 地方财政收入占GDP的比重
C. 地方税收收入占GDP的比重
D. 地方财政收入占全国财政收入的比重
E. 地方税收收入占全国财政收入的比重

改革开放后,我国地方政府财政收入绝对规模的变化趋势是:( )

A. 不断增加
B. 保持不变
C. 不断减少
D. 起伏不定

改革开放后,我国地方政府财政收入占GDP的比重的变化趋势是:( )

A. 不断下降
B. 呈U型变化
C. 不断增加
D. 起伏不定

2019年一般公共预算中地方财政收入(地方本级收入)占全国财政收入的比重约为( )左右。

A. 15%
B. 50%
C. 75%
D. 90%
