
What kind of engine did the Hyper-X use?

A jet engine that carries its own oxygen supply.
B. A jet engine that uses no oxygen.
C. A scramjet engine that doesn't carry its own oxygen supply.
D. A rocket engine that carries its own oxygen supply.


It is implied in the concluding paragraph that______.

A. European old member countries are poor and homogenous
B. Europe's leaders are bewildered by the crucial summit
C. Europe's politicians should heed their voters' dissatisfaction
D. European coincidences might emerge due to the economic stagnation


A. 把人当作单纯的理性对象来看待,因而难以避免现实的失误。
B. 常常忽略人的感情、意志、理想和道德的巨大作用。
C. 常常运用经济学的方法与应用程序,来解释和说明伦理学问题。
D. 常常只看到追求自身利益的合理性,却忽略应有的伦理约束。

根据《企业破产法》的有关规定,企业董事、监事或者高级管理人员违反忠实义务、勤勉义务,致使所在企业破产的,依法接受行政处分。 ()

A. 正确
B. 错误

当用S形曲线比较法进行进度比较时,如果按工程实际进度描出的点落在原计划S形曲线的左侧,则表示此时实际进度比计划进度落后。 ()

A. 正确
B. 错误
