A. 人民法院
B. 债权人会议
C. 债权人委员会
D. 债务人的上级主管机关
Which of the following didn't help make jeans popular in the 1950s and 1960s?
A. TV programs.
B. Rock and roll music.
C. Rock stars.
D. Movie stars.
Which opinion did the discovery prove?
A. Modem birds are the closest living relatives of the two-legged dinosaurs.
B. Dinosaurs have medullary bone.
C. Medullary bone is only known in ovulating birds.
D. Medullary bone is a source of calcium for birds to make shells for their eggs.
A. 生产经营单位必须对重大危险源进行登记建档
B. 对其进行评估、监控
C. 告知众人员在紧急情下采取的应急措施
D. 急时撒离所有从业人员