A. 1年内所属报关员有2人次以上被记分考核达到30分的
B. 报关企业取得变更注册登记许可后或者进出口货物收发货人单位名称、企业性质、企业住所、法定代表人(负责人)等海关注册登记的内容发生变更,未按照规定向海关办理变更手续的
C. 未向海关备案,擅自变更或者启用报关专用章的
D. 报关员离职,未按规定向海关办理相关手续的
A. 500
B. 1000
C. 800
D. 100
From the results of the surveys, the author of this article______.
A. concludes that the saving and spending patterns in Great Britain are better than those in America
B. concludes that the consumers always expect prices to remain stable
C. concludes that maintaining stable prices is a correct business policy
D. does not draw any conclusion
A. 是自然光
B. 是完全偏振光且光矢量的振动方向垂直于入射面
C. 是完全偏振光且光矢量的振动方向平行于入射面
D. 是部分偏振光