Write down the words for the opposite sex.(写出与下列单词性别相反的词。
Complete the following dialogue.(补全对话)。A: What can I do for you?B: Yes, please.1 But what kind of flowers should I buy,roses or cartons(康乃馨)? She likes red roses best,but today is Mother's Day.A: I think carnations are special for today. They show happiness, sweetness and love. They are for mothers.B:All right. Can I have a look at those carnations?A: Sure.2B: RedA: What about these?B:Great.3A: 30 yuanB: OK.4A: Thank you. Here's the change and a card from our shop to your mom. Best wishes for her.B:5
Translate the following sentences into English.(将下列句子翻译成英文。1.乔治的奶奶是一名大学教师。2.他不是我弟弟,是我的堂兄。3.琳达的班上有45个学生。4.吉姆的妻子是我的妹妹。5.李阿姨儿女双全。
在结构图中,梁的上方有这样的集中标注2Φ22+(4Φ12),请问括号内的标注表示梁的( )
A. 箍筋
B. 下部纵筋
C. 支座负筋
D. 架立筋