




1.在所有过渡元素中,熔点最高的金属是 熔点最低的是,硬度最大的是,密度最大的是,导电性最好的是,耐海水腐蚀的是。(填写元素符号)

Listen to the recording and fill in the blanks with the information (words or phrases) you have heard.Roshen Jamal is in class right now in her bedroom.It is very useful for us because we couldn't finish all (Q1) ______________ at school, and now we are completing them with the teachers.Many schools have been able to migrate classes (Q2) ______________ quickly, as schools worldwide close their doors to try to halt the spread of the coronavirus contagion. While more than half of the students around the world are out of school, some can attend remotely where they have adequate technology.Our teachers are coming to the school (Q3) ______________. They come in one after one or two together and they're providing their lessons to the students.Well Roshen says she even prefers some of her online classes to the in-person lectures.With this I have a recorded video and if I didn't understand something then I repeat only that part for myself.Ali says the school wants to accommodate every student even those who can't view their class (Q4) ______________.In case the student was not present, then the lesson that was explained to the students will be uploaded (Q5) ______________ to the students' website.The U.S. is slowly following suit as cases of COVID-19 have increased there. But for parents there are (Q6) ______________.So how is it that our young children in Seattle public school can just run a mark, because parents have to work. The school is not holding these kids accountable for finishing school. We're talking about high schoolers. So you can't tell high schools what they do.As much as were looking after them now and we're okay in the early stages, there is that feeling of how much longer can we (Q7) ______________ that for.As schools remain closed, teachers and administrators around the world will have to get (Q8) ______________. The adjustment for schools and pupils is easier for some, more difficult for others, but a worldwide flu outbreak that has rapidly spread demands (Q9) ______________, separating students, teachers and other education professionals from each other.So far Roshen is (Q10) ______________it.
