A. 起始位置时拐杖底部对准双脚大脚趾头
B. 身体的重量交于手掌
C. 手腕背屈、手肘弯曲25°-30°
D. 腋横把离腋窝两横指,但须紧靠胸廓以求使拐杖稳固
E. 双眼需持续注视地面或双脚
Complete the sentences with words or expressions from the boxes.sightseeingfigure outgot paid forendlesspilotsolution1. These workers __________ the repairs to the roof.2. We can go __________ downtown tomorrow.3. He is training to be an airline __________.4. We had to __________ the connection between the two events.5. They asked __________ questions about our hometown.6. A good __________ is to harvest the crop early in September.
A. 防松螺母松动后,应先松开上螺母,按扭矩拧紧下螺母后,再拧紧上螺母
B. 严禁上、下螺母一起拧紧
C. 严禁只拧紧上螺母
D. 上、下螺母的间隙可以挤死
下列关于尖轨与基本轨不密贴原因的叙述,( )是不准确的。
A. 尖轨顶铁过长,补强板螺栓凸出
B. 曲基本轨弯折点位置不对,造成转辙器部分轨向不良
C. 基本轨或尖轨本身有硬弯
D. 基本轨、轨撑、滑床板挡肩之间存在“三道缝”