
Choose the right order to form an effective résumé.


Read the followingrésumé and choose the best answers to complete the information.Karen Kane10 Country LaneEastampton, New Jersey 07936(201)8875845Karen1996@hotmail.com1To obtain an entry level position in marketing or management, which will utilize myorganizational abilities and strong retailing background.2BA in Business Administration, Selon Hill College September 2012~July 2016Course HighlightsMarketing Business Organization Management Comparative Economic systemsEconomic growth and development Monetary Economics Marketing Seminar3Rocbuck Company, Livingston, New Jersey (Summers, 2013, 2014)Started as salesperson, participated in several phases of merchandising, which included inventory control and sales promotion preparationCVS Chatham, New Jersey (Summer, 2015)Operated the register, participated in the market planning, performed various tasks necessary to the daily functioning of the storeCollege activitiesVice President, Marketing Association, 2013-2015Member, Student Alumnae Association Volleyball, 2013-1014Volunteer fundraiser, WKAR-TV, 2013 to present4Available upon request

在功率放大电路中,功放管承受的最大管压降应小于C-E 间反向击穿电压U(BR)CEO。

A. 对
B. 错


A. 对
B. 错

1.在对资本主义工商业的改造中,国家对私营工商业实行委托加工、计划订货、统购包销、代销等形式,使其生产、经营开始纳入国家计划的轨道。利润分配上实行“四马分肥”政策,工人在企业中的地位也发生改变。这使得企业( )

A. 有所变化,但还是私营企业
B. 具有了社会主义的因素
C. 具有完全社会主义的性质
D. 基本上成为社会主义国营性质的企业
