A. 保健要穴,有强壮作用
B. 在小腿前外侧
C. 当中渎穴下3寸
D. 距离胫骨前缘一横指
E. 治疗特点主要为益气健脾,平衡阴阳
A. 洋务运动
B. 戊戌变法
C. 新文化运动
D. 辛亥革命
There are two disadvantages to CO2 pump as a firefighting agent. One of these is the limited quantity available,and the other is().
A. the lack of cooling effect on heated materials
B. that it cannot be used in a dead ship situation with no electrical power to the CO2 pump
C. that it breaks down under extreme heat to form poisonous gases
D. there is no effect on a class A fire even in an enclosed space