

A. 动力元件
B. 执行元件
C. 辅助元件



A. 建立与健全内部控制制度
B. 保证提交审计的会计资料真实、合法和完整
C. 提交审计所需的相关资料和必要条件
D. 维护资产的安全与完整


A. 甘草附子汤
B. 麻杏苡甘汤
C. 桂枝芍药知母汤
D. 麻黄加术汤
E. 乌头汤

A recommended PTF is released to resolve reliability issues with bos .net.tcp.server. A Maintenance windows has been scheduled to install the PTF on all nodes. In order to complete the maintenance,what are the next logical steps to be completed after the install of the PTF on all nodes?()

A. Test Ethernet fallover and bring all of the resource groups online.
B. Upgrade the firmware on all Ethernet adapters and bring all of the resource groups online.
C. Verify all necessary applications and resource groups are functioning properly and test ethernet fallover on all nodes.
D. Verify all necessary applications and resource groups are functioning properly and bring all of the resource groups online.
