A. 小
B. 大
C. 相等
某火电厂2014年末的煤炭库存情况如下58-62: (1)分库存放煤炭50万吨; (2)第一车间领取的3万吨尚未进入第一道生产工序; (3)已拨给外单位委托加工的煤炭6万吨; (4)从外单位借人并已入库的煤炭5万吨; (5)已运达本企业尚未入库的煤炭4万吨; (6)代外单位保管的煤炭7万吨; (7)清点盘库查出的账外煤炭1万吨; (8)已查证丢失的煤炭1万吨; (9)可回收利用的废旧煤炭1万吨; (10)不属于正常周转的超储积压煤炭2万吨。2014年能源消费弹性系数为()。
A. 0.66
B. 0.33
C. 1.33
D. 1.66
A. 抑郁症
B. 躯体化障碍
C. 疑病症
D. 其他或待分类的神经症
E. 适应障碍
F. 未分化躯体形式障碍
A banking user with the userid of ’joe’ is unable to rsh from SYSTEMA to SYSTEMB without having to retype their password, but they can rsh from SYSTEMB to SYSTEMA. No other users are experiencing the same issue. Both systems have a /home/joe/.rhosts file that contain the proper references to the other host. The /home/joe/.rhosts files on both SYSTEMA and SYSTEMB are owned by userid ’joe’. Which of the following is the most likely cause of this problem()
A. User ’joe’ is specified in the /etc/nologin on SYSTEMb.
B. User ’joe’ is specified in the /etc/nologin on SYSTEMa.
C. The file permissions on the /home/joe/.rhosts file on SYSTEMA are incorrect.
D. The file permissions on the /home/joe/.rhosts file on SYSTEMB are incorrect.