A. 手术室必须建立打扫卫生,空气消毒等制度
B. 无须控制参观人员数量
C. 有急性呼吸道感染者,不应参加手术
D. 进入手术室或进行无菌操作,口罩应遮住口鼻部
E. 进入手术室应肃静,不要大声说话和咳嗽,如有喷嚏应将脸侧向地面
A. 打开新的浏览器窗口
B. 弹出菜单
C. 播放音乐
D. 网页错误
If the diesel fuel vapors present are within the flammable range ().
A. the vapor air mixture is too rich to burn
B. an explosion may occur if a source of ignition is present
C. the vapor air mixture is too lean to bum the upper explosive
D. limit has been exceeded