

A. 脚本和动画设计
B. 关键帧设计
C. 检查拍摄
D. 渲染合成



A. 语义双关
B. 谐音双关
C. 对象双关
D. 风景描写


A. 出国(境)执行的任务必须与部队工作相关,有实质性内容,严禁用公款或变相用公款出国(境)旅游。必须根据出国(境)任务和出国(境)人员的条件确定出国(境)的人选
B. 出国(境)人员必须政治可靠,历史清楚,热爱社会主义祖国,思想健康,作风正派,遵守纪律
C. 出国(境)人员必须身体健康,能坚持正常工作。熟悉本职业务,有一定实际工作经验,具有分析和解决问题的能力,能够胜任出国(境)所担负的任务
D. 已经离休、退休人员不再派遣出国(境)执行任务

A customer with three Windows servers wants to create a shared storage array. One server runs a200 GB Oracle database with high transaction rates. The second server is a file server with 3 TBof data and the third server is a mail server with 150 GB of storage. The key customer decisionmaker has only purchased EMC CX storage products in his previous employment. Cost is a keyconsideration. From the following which is a key feature that could convince the customer topurchase a DS3500 over an EMC CX storage system?()

A. SATA and SAS 2.0 disk drive technology can be mixed in different enclosures
B. nearline SAS 2.0 and SAS 2.0 disk drive technology can be mixed in the same enclosure
C. SATA disk drive technology can provide both the high transaction rates and large drive sizesneeded for this solution
D. SAS 2.0 disk drive technology can provide both the high transaction rates and large drive sizesneeded for this solutio


A. 正确
B. 错误
