
明朝初年,安徽闹水灾,滁州太守卢太束奏请朝廷赈灾放粮。朱元璋在皇宫听太监宣读该 奏章,听到8000字时,朱说:“怎还不见主旨?传卢太束来见。”卢上堂来见,朱吩咐:“先拖下去,打三十大板。”卢问何故,朱答日:“文章太长。”“文章长也要打板子?”朱不答。太监接着念,当听到17500字时始见卢上奏的“五策”。卢被架着,哼哼咧咧地来见朱元璋。朱说:“你的‘五策’毕竟还是有见地的,其实‘五策’只要500字足够了,你却用了18000字,你强占我多少光阴啊?你强占了我的光阴,我就要打你的板子。”卢太束说:“那些漫无边际的话和恭雏的话我也知道是多余的,但都是朝廷上的习惯。” 这个案例对我们有哪些启示?


某房地产信息网站欲整合Google提供的地图信息(Google Maps)和Craigslist(美国最大的分类广告网站)提供的房地产信息,为用户提供新的房地产信息增值服务。负责网站建设的工程师提出了两种解决方案,第一种方案拟采用传统的应用系统集成方法,集成来自不同源的数据。另外一种采用基于Web 2.0的Mashup技术,从不同的数据源抽取数据,聚合并转换数据,在不同的上下文使用,具体如表5-1所示。请阅读并完成表中空白部分(标号(1)~(8)处)。

You are to write in no less than 120 words about the topic "Do we need a shopping center in the neighborhood?" Your composition should be based on the Chinese outline given below.
1. 市里要在你家住的这个街区新建一个购物中心,你的意见如何(同意或反对)?

Web 2.0是目前Internet上Web应用的新模式,其概念由Tim O'Reilly于2003年首先提出。目前Internet上已经有很多基于Web 2.0的Web应用系统,例如Facebook、Wikipedia、Blogger、del.icio.us、YouTube和Flickr等,其应用涵盖各个方面。
请用200字以内的文字叙述基于Web 2.0的Web应用与传统Web应用的重要不同点,并给出简要解释(列举5个方面的不同点即可)。

?Read the article below about the Import-Export Balance.
?For each question (31-40), write one word in CAPITAL LETTERS on your Answer Sheet,
The advantages of international trade are obvious. Trading with other nations can also pose problems if a country's imports and exports do not balance out, though. (31) deciding whether a balance does or does not exist, economists use two measures: balance of trade and balance of payments.
The total economic value of all products imported (32) a country compared to the total economic value of ail other products exported out of the country is that nation's balance of trade. Relatively small imbalances in the value of imports and exports for a country are quite common and (33) very important.
However, sometimes a country's trade imbalance can be very large. For example, Japan exports goods and services equal (34) about 15 percent of everything it manufactures. However, it only needs to import goods and services equal to around 5 percent (35) what it manufactures at home. The difference amounts (36) a trade surplus (a positive balance of trade) of several billion dollars each year.
Japan is generally content (37) its trade imbalance, because it results (38) more money flowing into the country than flowing out. However, some of its trading partners are not. For the last several years, the United States has been importing more than it exports, resulting in a trade deficit (a negative balance of trade). (39) a result, more money is leaving the United States (40) entering it.
