
根据本题要点(4) 提示的内容,指出丁公司与戊公司达成的股份转让协议有哪些不符合规定之处?并分别说明理由。


But for all the rhetoric stirred by last month's strike against American Airlines, few have dared to breathe perhaps the key question—a 60-year-old question. Are flight attendants indispensable guardians of passengers' safety and well-being? Or, are they flying waitresses (85% are women) and waiters who are becoming less important to passengers willing to sacrifice frills for cheap fares? Fright attendants find the second suggestion repugnant. "We're very highly trained in first aid and CPR," says Wendy Palmer, an American Air fines flight attendant based in Nashville, "Our goal is to evacuate an airplane in a minute or less. That's what we're there for. In the meantime, we do serve drinks and food. "
"But maybe the time has come to let the free market determine if passengers value flight attendants enough to pay for them," says Thomas Moore, senior fellow at the Hoover Institution. Customers willing, there's no reason airlines can't hand out sandwiches and soft drinks as passengers board. Then they could be on their way with, perhaps, one safety expert on board.
"I'd suspect some people would be willing to pay dirt-cheap fares," says Bill Winter, spokesman for the Libertarian Party, an opponent of government regulation, "Other (airlines) would go in the opposite direction and there would be three attendants for each flier. "
Already millions of passengers have shown an eagerness to sacrifice service for lower fares. Southwest Airlines, which doesn't offer meals or assigned seating, has been the fastest-growing and most profitable airline in the industry. Southwest never staffs a jet with more attendants than the Federal Aviation Administration requires.
The FAA requires at least one flight attendant for every 50 seats. A 122-seat Boeing 737 must have three flight attendants even if it's flying only a few passengers. Union contracts often require more. Among its demands, American Airlines wants the option of staffing its jets at the FAA minimum.
No other form. of transportation falls under such rigid government control. Passengers aboard Amtrak and Greyhound aren't even required to wear seat belts. But climb aboard a Boeing 757, and you not only have to be strapped in, but four specialists are there to supervise a rare evacuation.
The National Safety Council estimates that 1 in 2.2 million people are killed in airline crashes each year. There are about 90,000 airline flight attendants employed by U. S. carriers. They cost the airlines $ 2.7 billion a year, assuming they average $ 30,000 per year in salary and benefits. If they save 100 lives per year, each life costs $ 27 million.
Dee Maki, National president of the Association of Flight Attendants, says 100 saved lives is a gross underestimate. No one tracks the actual number, but Maki says more than 100 heart-attack victims are saved each year by attendants.
Maybe one on-board attendant is all that's needed for safety, says Moore, an opponent of government regulation. "I don't know. But the FAA undoubtedly makes the wrong decision. Government always makes the wrong decision because they don't have the right information.
John Adams, former vice president of human resources for Continental Airlines, doubts that deaths would increase much if the number of flight attendants were cut in half. "Flying is very safe. It's much safer than riding a bus or a train," he says.
No one doubts that flight attendants have a tough job. They make about 20% what pilots make and often less than baggage handlers. Stuck in a metal tube for hours with cramped passengers battling nicotine fits, they are constantly being driven to go the extra mile for customer service.
They have to worry about policies concerning theft wei

根据本题要点(2) 提示的内容,指出甲公司向中国证监会和证券交易所提交临时报告的时间是否符合有关规定?并说明理由。甲公司副经理陈某于3月3日抛售甲公司股票的行为是否符合有关规定?并说明理由。如果陈某的行为不符合规定,则陈某应承担何种法律责任?独立董事对甲公司经理变动事项未发表任何意见是否符合有关规定?并说明理由。

SOA不是一个新鲜事物,但它却是传统的面向对象模型的替代模型。相比较而言,面向对象的模型是(1)耦合和(2)粒度的,而SOA是(3)耦合和(4)粒度的。SOA系统原型的一个典型例子是(5)(CORBA),它已经出现很长时间了,其定义的概念与 SOA相似。
随着Web Services的成熟,现在的SOA已经有所发展,这些进展是以上(6)为基础的。在Web Services中,通过(7)来描述接口,与CORBA中的(8)(接口描述语言)相比,它动态性更强、灵活度更高。

Bon App6tit used to sell sugared cereal.
