A. 只能用电子格式保存
B. 只能保存一个航次
C. AB都对
D. AB都错
Index error of a sextant is primarily caused by ().
A. Improperly correcting the other errors in a sextant
B. The horizon glass not being parallel to the horizon mirror
C. The horizon glass not being parallel to the index mirror
D. Human error in taking a celestial observation
A. 既能发散风寒,又能通鼻窍
B. 既能发散风寒,又能宣通鼻窍
C. 既能发散风寒,又能透疹消疮
D. 既能发汗解表,又能利水消肿
E. 既能发散风寒,又能胜湿止痛
A. 增加卸空车统计,但不统计作业次数
B. 卸车数统计,但不统计作业次数
C. 增加卸空车统计,且统计作业次数
D. 卸车数统计,且统计作业次数