__was responsible for the abnormal blood of leukemia patients()
A. the bone marrow
B. health
C. vessel
D. heart disease
James Fenimore Cooper’s novel ___ is the first to reveal the west and Native Americans’ life in a passionate way()
A. Go Down, Moses
B. The Last of the Mohicans
C. Winesburg, Ohio
D. O, Pioneers!
Statement “___” is wrong in describing Hawthorne()
A. One source of evil that Hawthorne is concerned most is over-reaching intellect
B. Hawthorne is also a great allegorist
C. Hawthorne is also a master of symbolist
D. Hawthorne is a realistic writer
According to Hawthorne, romance should be ___()
A. both imaginative and creative
B. full of adventures
C. a true record of human life
D. a mixture of facts and fancy
Which of the works concerns most concentratedly the Calvinistic view of original sin? ()
A. The Wasteland
B. The Scarlet Letter
C. Leaves of Grass
D. As I Lay Dying