某甲与乡政府约定,自己利用在海外的关系,为该乡招商引资,如引资超过一百万人民币,则乡政府一次性奖励甲十万人民币。后甲引进外商资金三百万人民币,但是乡政府却不愿奖励甲。甲于是向县政府提起行政复议,县政府应如何处理?( )
A. 县政府不应受理甲的申请
B. 县政府只能协调甲与乡政府的纠纷
C. 县政府应该受理该申请
D. 县政府应告知甲只能向法院提起行政诉讼
During their ____ on the club, the policemen found illegal drugs.
A. search
B. clash
C. ban
D. raid
The chairman asked members to ____ their votes for or against the proposal.
A. bid
B. offer
C. cast
D. throw
The plane ____, its bombs exploding as it hit the ground.
A. smashed
B. crushed
C. plunged
D. crashed
I strongly opposed the ____ that women not be allowed to join the society.
A. resolution
B. reservation
C. solution
D. conclusion