Rents are due on the first of every month and will be considered late if not received by the 5th of the month by 5pm.
A. 租金须一月一缴,最迟不超过每月5号下午5点,否则被视为违反合同。
B. 租金须每月第一天缴纳,如果5号下午5点前尚未收到,将被视为迟缴。
C. 租金须每年一次性缴纳,1月5号下午5点前须交清,否则不保证续租。
When an employee learns these skills and responsibilities, he becomes better equipped to take on higher-level work and leadership roles in the future.
A. 当员工学会这些技能和职责时,他将来就更有能力承担更高层次的工作和领导职务。
B. 只有当员工进入领导层,担任了重要的工作时,他才能够体会到责任担当的重要性。
C. 当员工有了高超的技能和强烈的责任感时,他将来就能承担重要的任务和领导工作。
What is the age requirement of applying for the membership of the Volunteer Fire Department?Applicants must be 1 of age or older.Who are encouraged to join the Volunteer Fire Department?Those with 2.What are active members in the department required to do?To attend fifty percent of scheduled department 3 each calendar year.What is the main function of Associate Members?Assiting the department with 4 and special events.What are all applicants asked to do when applying for the membership?To indicate which 5 they are applying for.
细集料的细度模数反映的是集料的( )。
A. 指定粒径的平均粗细程度
B. 所有颗粒的平均粗细程度
C. 较粗颗粒的平均粗细程度
D. 较细颗粒的平均粗细程度