
Which of the following, if true, would most weaken the authors assertion that, in the 1970s, corporate response to federal requirements(lines 23 — 24)was substantial?

A. Corporate contracts with minority-owned businesses totaled $ 2 billion in 1979.
Between 1970 and 1972, corporate contracts with minority-owned businesses declined by 25 percent.
C. The figures collected in 1977 under-represented the extent of corporate contracts with minority-owned businesses.
D. The estimate of corporate spending with minority-owned businesses in 1980 is approximately $ 10 million too high.
E. The $1.1 billion represented the same percentage of total corporate spending in 1977 as did $ 77 million in 1972.


According to the passage, the floor of the Black Sea can best be compared to a

A. rapidly moving conveyor belt.
B. slowly settling foundation.
C. rapidly expanding balloon.
D. violently erupting volcano.
E. slowly eroding mountain.

著名主持人杨澜谈到自己20年前毕业时的情况,当时国家刚开始不包分配,她跑了多家单位也没找到很满意的工作,于是找父亲“撒气”:“你为什么不能给你那些学生打个电话。找点关系?”当时父亲连续问了她3个问题:你是不是大学毕业了?你是不是接受到很好的教育了?你是不是成年了?在得到肯定的答复后,父亲语重心长地说了一句:“父母责任已尽到了,剩下的靠你自己。” 杨澜后来自己出去找工作,自己去努力,用年轻的资本去接受挫折和失败。


A. 他们的选择有助于降低当前的失业率
B. 他们的选择有助于提高当前劳动力参与率
C. 这是一种典型的灰心丧气的劳动者效应
D. 这是一种典型的附加劳动者效应


A. 协助三角肌使臂外展
B. 使上臂旋内
C. 协助三角肌使臂内收
D. 使上臂旋外
