A. 不同的人经常持有不同的观点关于生活对于他们意味着什么。
B. 不同的人经常持有不同的观点关于生活对他们的意思。
C. 不同的人经常对于生活对他们的意义持有不同的观点。
---- Hello. Bill Burton from Pacific Insurance. May I speak to Ms Jones, please?
A. This is
B. I am
C. my name is
D. That is
I represent Pacific Insurance.
A. 礼物
B. 呈现
C. 代表
D. 面试
She should be here this afternoon. Anything I can do for you?
A. later in
B. later on
C. later
D. latter on
Mr Burton. B-U-R-T-O-N, just to.
A. confirm
B. look at
C. look
D. read