It was thought that the pipeline would generate oil revenues pf $5billion year.
A. products
B. produce
C. output
D. income
The costs were so enormous, however, and the risks so imponderable that no one company was about to build the pipeline alone.
A. great
B. uncertain
C. definite
D. huge
During the last stage of the pipeline's construction, the price of oil rose sharply to around $13 a barrel, a rate that seemed likely to bail out the venture.
A. ruin
B. benefit
C. help
D. destory
In restrospect, the undertaking is an oil company's dream come true.
A. looking back
B. rethinking
C. foreseeing
D. reviewing
Aside from spreading the risk, joint ventures are also formed to bring together companies whose expertise in different areas contributes to the success of a particular project.
A. interest
B. ability
C. capability
D. skill