Matching-up: Match the word with the definition and put a correct letter before the corresponding word.()1. approveA. v. bring to a common point of union; bring all efforts to bear on one activity()2. strainB. n. a mistake, mark, or weakness that makes sth. imperfect()3. outbreakC.v.believe that sb. or sth. Is good or suitable; agree officially to()4. remarkableD.vt. Make (a situation or relationship) more difficult; stretch tightly by pulling()5. concentrateE.ad. In a suitable manner; consequently, therefore( )6. undermineF. n.great care and attention()7. flawG.vt. make (sb.) interested and excited()8. cautionH.n.a sudden or violent start of sth. Unwelcome, such as disease()9.accordinglyI. vt.weaken or ruin secretly or gradually()10.stimulateJ.a. worthy of attention; striking