Every country and nation has its own dreams, and with dreams come hope. China has used only several decades to go through the three Industrial Revolutions that took the West more than 200 years, and saw its economy leap to world No. 2, over ___(1)____ billion people relieved of material shortage and over ____(2)_______ million lifted out of poverty.China’s miracle makers are those who dare to dream and put their thoughts to action. Chinese people are striving tirelessly to fulfill the Chinese Dream of the great revival of the Chinese nation.The Chinese Dream is to make the country prosperous and strong, rejuvenate the nation, and see that the people are happy. A rapidly changing China is showing the world the immense charm of the Chinese path.“When we are talking about Chinese realization of the Chinese Dream, we do not mean we are just a copycat. The Chinese Dream is actually the Chinese way of development.”“Saying China chooses its own way … that’s not quite enough. You have to choose the right way. China has a very successful economic model — the socialist market economy, and it’s continuing to grow very quickly. Since 1978, China’s economy has grown at about approximately the average for the whole period about ___(3)________ percent a year. No economy anywhere in the world, in the whole of human history has ever grown for 41 years at nine percent a year. Secondly, perhaps even more impressive, is the number of people affected by it. When China started to grow very fast, it was ____(4)________ percent of the world’s population. No country in the world has ever seen so many people improve their economic conditions. It’s just the greatest miracle in the whole of human history. China’s development was adapted to China’s national conditions and it was objectively correct. The Chinese Dream, as I understand it, is China will achieve a good life for all its people, and therefore, I will have a good life as well.”The Chinese Dream is fundamentally about making life better for the Chinese people. And China is continuously advancing towards this goal. In 2018, China produced on average over U.S. ___(5)_______ dollars worth of GDP per second; a new business was set up on average every five seconds; __(6)________ meters of rural roads were built or renovated on average each second; ____(7)_________ meters were added to the high-speed railways on average every ten seconds; 1.1 tons and ____(8)________ tons of steel and coal-production capacities were cut on average each second; 2,240 square meters of forest and _____(9)_______ square meters of well-facilitated farmland were created on average each second; and four more people were employed in cities and ____(10)________ people lifted out of poverty in rural areas on average every ten seconds.China is changing its development model, becoming greener and more innovative and efficient. A more open and vibrant China serves as a big stage for the strivers and dream chasers.