Question 3 For what purpose did this staff at a supermarket in Melbourne sign a letter?
A. To appeal for higher wages
B. To demand better health care
C. To dismiss the bad-tempered supervisor
D. To call for a permanent security guard
Question 4 What did the spokesman of the supermarkets say regarding the employees demand?
A. It was seeking help from the police.
B. It would put customers’needs first
C. It had already taken strong action
D. It would take their appeal seriously
某上市公司发行普通股1000万股,每股面值1元,每股发行价格为5元,支付手续费20万元,支付咨询费60万元。该公司发行的普通股计入股本的金额为( )万元。
A. 1000
B. 4920
C. 4980
D. 5000
下列各项中,应计入所有者权益的有( )。
A. 股票发行的溢价
B. 投资者超额缴入的资本
C. 长期股权投资采用权益法核算,计入资本公积——其他资本公积的被投资单位的其他权益变动
D. 交易性金融资产的公允价值变动
A. 以盈余公积补亏
B. 以现金回购公司发行在外的股票
C. 宣告分派现金股利
D. 收到投资者投入资金