
Fill in the blanks with the words given. Change the form if necessary. Each can be used only once.clarityoustpatheticviciousdeempracticablederailrecedeperishfeeble1. The moment a child begins school, he enters a world of _______ competition where success and failure are clearly defined and measured.2. Strange to say, what you ___________ highly of may turn out to be meaningless to your future life.3. In general, ___________of thought will result in accuracy of action.4. Here’s a nice selection of some of the wettest and most _________looking kitties undergoing the torture of being bathed.5. It is a matter of time before the illiterate are __________ from the flow of times.6. With more of his effort made at things other than lessons, his hopes for progress in studies __________ faster.7. Although several suggestions exist on how to create a good climate of learning, a ___________approach is still hard to develop.8. While some opted to _________ in dignity, others preferred to survive for sale of soul.9. His __________ excuses are often the fuel of repeated quarrels with his wife.10. It seems clear that his ever-growing passion for romance on campus is bound to _________ his quest for knowledge in college.



A. 传递运动与动力
B. 增加系统功率
C. 润滑和密封
D. 冷却和防锈

在选择液压油时,首先选择的是油液的( )。

A. 类型
B. 粘度
C. 密度
D. 压缩性

我国液压油的牌号是以40℃时油液的( )的平均值来表示的。

A. 相对粘度
B. 动力粘度
C. 运动粘度
D. 恩氏粘度

压力表测得的压力是( )。

A. 标准大气压
B. 真空度
C. 绝对压力
D. 相对压力
