Why does everybody like this festival?
A. Because the moon is bright.
Because people can have a holiday.
C. Because it's a family get-together..
D. Because the moon cakes are delicious.
二、听力 音频(page 52 task 3)[音频]If there’s one thing I can’t stand, it’s people 1___________into their mobile phones on the train. It’s always the same, someone telling his 2___________that he is ‘on the train’ for the whole carriage to hear. Or what’s worse, someone having a long 3___________about some business deal or some social event at maximum volume so all the passengers have to 4___________to all the boring details of his life. There should be just one or two carriages 5____________ mobiles can be used. All those shouters could go there together and deafen each other – and not us!
A. 传统物流服务、现代物流服务
B. 一般物流服务、特殊物流服务
C. 基本物流服务、基础物流服务
D. 基本物流服务、增值性物流服务
我国中医针灸学主张:“头有病而足取之,左有病而右取之”从哲学观点看,这一主张( )
A. 表明假象就是本质
B. 物质决定意识,意识是对物质的反映
C. 体现事物是由它的各个局部构成的有机联系的整体的道理
D. 强调了人们只能通过实践和在事物的运动变化中把握事物的规律
正确认识自己,弄清自己的长处和短处非常重要。“金无足赤,人无完人”,认为自己十全十美,因而固步自封;或者认为自己一无是处,因而自暴自弃都是不对的。这段话包含的哲理主要是( )
A. 要重视事物的变化发展
B. 要全面地看问题
C. 要坚持重点论
D. 要善于把握事物发展的主流